Monday, November 2, 2009

Telarus: Video Summary of XO / Telarus Partner for Success Luncheon, Part 1

Always looking for the next big challenge, Telarus aggressively launched a campaign this past Thursday to go after "new money" in its own back yard - Salt Lake City and Utah. While Telarus is successful nationwide, they noticed sub-agent sales in their own home town were somewhat lackluster. While they attributed this to the fact that they had not started the company in SLC (the founders are Southern California transplants) they none-the-less decided with XO to do something about it.

This is the postcard XO and Telarus sent to local SLC agents

I attended the event by invitation so I could videotape the action. Following are the video highlights. Tomorrow we will publish the actual video presentations.

Telarus VP, Patrick Oborn's Event Introduction

Tom Gorey, XO National Director of Indirect Channels

Rich Gannon, XO National Channel Manager

Phil Chandler, XO Channel Manager, Salt Lake City

Patrick and Gregg Gumbinger of First Data on Agents and Merchant Services

Telarus President Adam Edward's Wrap-up of the Event

Tune into this blog tomorrow to view the presentations of the actual speakers to see what the attendees saw and heard.